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We show driven people around the world the path toward their mission and we complete teams with the missing pieces of a puzzle. Our work leads to results partly because we create the right conditions for people to know what they’re choosing. Because we know your sector and business. And because we have walked the proverbial mile in the shoes of those we help, we quite well understand the issues executives and their companies are being faced with today. Therefore, we believe in building long-term partnerships with you and your organisation and take pride in leading people and companies to the crossroads where they help each other grow, and this in different industries.

Our Target Markets

Cross International operates from the BeNeLux but has a global reach with local presence & expertise, allowing us to work internationally with start-ups, scale-ups, SMEs, family businesses, as well as locally anchored multinationals and this across most industries;

Life Sciences & Healthcare

In a world where innovation is paramount, we navigate the pulse of this dynamic sector. From pioneering advancements in Digital Health Transformation (healttech like e.g. wearables, telemedicine, robotics, immersive technologies, 3D printing, …) over preventive healthcare & alternative therapies, or precision medicine and personalized therapies to shaping the future of biotechnology, our executive searches are attuned to the heartbeat of progress. Join us on the forefront of transformative leadership, where the brightest minds converge to drive the next era of healthcare and life sciences breakthroughs.

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IT, Technology, Telecom

From the disruptive force of artificial intelligence like generative AI and applied machine learning, over the evolution of advanced connectivity like wireless low-power networks, 5G/6G cellular, Wi-Fi 6 and 7, low-Earth-orbit satellites, etc. to IoT, Web3, quantum-based technologies, cloud and edge computing, immersive reality technologies and next-generation software development, our executive searches lead the way in identifying leaders who navigate the fast-paced currents of the tech landscape and help shaping the world of tomorrow.

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Private equity, financial and professional services

We know the intricacies of this fast-paced sector, where transformative leaders redefine financial landscapes and drive strategic innovation. From disruptive FinTech solutions and the adoption of blockchain & AI, over the evolving landscape of Venture Capital (VC) & Private Equity (PE) investments with more focus on ESG in their investment decisions, to the adoption of advanced technological infrastructure, including open banking, cloud-based systems and cybersecurity measures, our executive searches are at the forefront of identifying leaders who not only anticipate the newest trends but shape them and help redefine the future of finance and professional services.

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Industry and manufacturing

We decode the trends shaping the backbone of global production. From the rise of smart manufacturing and industry 4.0 principles and technologies, including IoT (Internet of Things), AI (Artificial Intelligence), and advanced robotics, over the integration of sustainable manufacturing practices, to supply chain resilience and digitalization, our executive searches pinpoint leaders who drive industrial (r)evolution.

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Consumer & Retail Markets (FMCG)

We navigate the dynamic landscape of trends shaping the future of the ever-evolving world of consumer and retail markets. From digital transformation in physical stores, over leveraging data analytics to understand consumer behavior and personalize the in-store experience, to the rise of sustainable and ethical practices like sustainable sourcing, eco-friendly packaging, and transparent supply chain practices, to the transformative power of e-commerce, our executive searches pinpoint leaders who don't just follow consumer-driven innovation trends but also dare to redefine them.

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Energy and Utilities

In a VUCA world full of challenges posed by resource scarcity and global warming, we help identify leaders who will guide the way toward a more sustainable & resilient energy future and infrastructure. From the adoption of renewable energy sources, over to transitioning toward renewable energy solutions to reduce carbon emissions and achieve sustainability goals, to the strategic shift towards smart technologies, grid modernization, CleanTech and energy storage solutions, our executive searches lead the way in identifying leaders who will guide the way and navigate the delicate balance between sustainability and technological advancements.

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Engineering, real estate and construction

Step into a world where visionary executives navigate the evolving trends shaping the future of construction, infrastructure and project development. From sustainability and green building construction practices, over  prefabrication and modular construction, to the integration of cutting-edge technologies in engineering, such as Building Information Modeling (BIM), drones, and advanced project management software, our executive searches unlock leaders who not only embrace change but architect it.

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Government and Public Services

Chart a course into the future of leadership in government and public services with Cross International. We unravel the intricacies of this vital sector, where visionary leaders redefine governance in an era of unprecedented challenges. From digital transformation like using AI, blockchain or data analytics to improve citizen services & streamline operations, over to cybersecurity & data privacy, to resilience to fostering ESG topics like inclusivity and sustainability, our executive searches delve into the forefront of public leadership. We pinpoint impactful leaders that shape policies and drive transformative change in the dynamic and ever-changing public service landscape.

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