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From Board, to C-levels, middle management to key individual contributors.

We believe in a social and economic world without borders, without distinctions nor glass ceilings, where employees flourish and businesses succeed because they share the same vision. Because we have walked the proverbial mile in the shoes of those we help, we quite well understand the challenges that executives and their companies are being confronted with today. Because we work together as one team, we combine our individual talents and knowledge with the collective expertise of our team and global network. From Board, across C-levels, middle management to key individual contributors.

People cannot be put in reigns, but they can be invited to be a part of working towards goals they believe in themselves.

That is why we do not chase heads, but rather inspire minds. And that is why we talk to candidates about their careers, not just a job.

Cross International lets people cross paths who can achieve great things together. We help organizations find the right people to achieve their goals. With the leaders of these organizations, we create the right conditions to further growth. To do so, we offer personal and business advice on complex leadership and organizational issues. This way, we can motivate employees around the world for the right reasons, because talent cannot be captured, but it can be invited for a goal they believe in.

Cross International's strength lies in finding the best candidates for the positions listed below.

Executive & Board positions:

- General management,
- Directors,
- VP’s
- C-suite
- Board members

Key functions and senior individual contributors:

- Sales, Business Development and Marketing,
- IT / software,
- HR,
- Finance,
- Supply Chain,
- Technical / R&D / Engineering / QA / PMO