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Quality as our guide and guarantee.

In 2017, Cross International was among the first members of Federgon , the Belgian federation of HR companies, to obtain the renewed quality label after an external audit. This RSS quality label is more than ever a guide for clients, companies and candidates and offers clear quality guarantees. We want our solutions to go beyond the standard. We deliver high quality tailor-made solutions.

Quality is a conclusive decision-making argument when choosing a good HR partner

An HR partner who, through proper analysis and through proper processes, guarantees the right fit. The new RSS quality label particularly wants to emphasise this commitment. Customers choose partnerships that pay off in the long term. More info on the quality label can be found at Federgon.


10 reasons to choose CrossInt

1.      Personal approach with focus on best result & result orientation

2.      Transparent and open communication

3.      Proactive collaboration with our clients and candidates

4.      Long-term partnership based on mutual trust

5.      Efficient and well thought-out processes

6.      High ethical and quality standards

7.      Pragmatic no-nonsense and hands-on approach

8.      Discreet

9.      Mix of experienced business and consulting people

10.   Big enough to cope, small enough to care