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Environmental, Social & Governance.

ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance. ESG  also stands for seeking a healthy balance between financial economic results, transparency, social interests and the environment without losing the balance between them. Contrary to popular belief, that balance has been shown to lead to better outcomes for both the company and society. A sustainable ESG approach appears to make a positive social contribution, not only to profit, but also to people and planet.

The 3 ESG criteria

The environmental criteria examine how an organisation contributes to and performs in relation to environmental challenges (e.g. waste, pollution, carbon footprint, energy consumption, ).

The social criteria look at how an organisation treats its people (e.g. human capital management, diversity and equal opportunities, working conditions, health and safety and misleading selling).

The governance criteria chart how a company is managed (e.g. executive pay, tax practices and strategy, ethics and integrity, broad diversity and structure, corporate governance).

A sustainable ESG approach in a rapidly changing world

At Cross International we understand that the world is changing rapidly and that companies need to keep up with the latest trends in order to remain competitive. That is why we help our clients find the best talent to lead their organisations through these challenging times. ESG has become an important part of our recruitment process at Cross International. We seek candidates who have a strong track record in the field of sustainability matters, promoting social responsibility and maintaining high standards of corporate governance.

We believe these are not just nice-to-have qualities in a leader, but essential qualities for any modern company. At Cross International we cross talent and leadership and bring the best candidates together with the most innovative companies. We believe that the future of business lies in the hands of those who want to make a positive impact on our planet and society.