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Our Values.

At the heart of our services are our values, which drive everything we do. Our values define who we are as Cross International, and more importantly, they set us apart from our competitors. They are the foundation upon which we have built our reputation for providing exceptional service and support to our clients. We believe our values are our key differentiator, and they make us truly unique in the market. We are committed to providing a personal, efficient and professional experience to each of our clients, while maintaining the highest standards of ethics and integrity. Our values are reflected in the way we do business and in the quality of our services.

Our values

We believe our values are our key differentiator, and they make us truly unique in the market. We are committed to providing a personal, efficient and professional experience to each of our clients, while maintaining the highest standards of ethics and integrity. Our values are reflected in the way we do business and in the quality of our services.

CrossInt's values - truly team-, client- and candidate-focused, respectfully open and collaborative, authentically positive, operating with high integrity, passion and responsibility, and valuing diversity and inclusion - provide a strong foundation for our long-term business relationships. When everyone in our company understands and lives by these values, they can be applied to all aspects of the business, from sales and marketing to human resources and operations.

Team, client and candidate focus

Team, client and candidate focus translates into the fact that we show genuine interest in our clients' business, our clients' customers, our clients' concerns. Next to that, we also help build the career development of our candidates -and our own team members-, and focus on understanding their passions, what drives them, what has made them the person they are today.

At Cross International we bring together talent and leadership. We combine vision with determination and passion with conviction. We let people cross paths who can achieve great things together. We believe in a social and economic world without borders, without divisions nor glass ceilings, where employees flourish and businesses succeed because they share the same vision. In this world, recruitment isn’t about capturing profiles, but about inviting people to help grow something that they believe in.

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We show driven people around the world the path toward their mission and we complete teams with the missing pieces of a puzzle. Our work leads to results partly because we create the right conditions for people to know what they’re choosing, and because we have walked the proverbial mile in the shoes of those we help. Furthermore, we are trained in shaping leaders and can rely on proven knowledge and tested science. But above all, we do not put people in boxes, we give them wings. At Cross International, we lead people away from the war for talent and towards the crossroads where they can meet and help each other grow and create.

Because where driven people cross, successful businesses flourish

Respectful openness and collaboration

Respectful openness and collaboration is giving honest feedback to our candidates. Pointing out their strengths but also their areas of concern or improvement. Providing them with effective tips they can work with in advancing their careers.

And not just nodding yes at a client, but also challenging them intellectually, daring to hold a mirror up to them or to challenge them in the solutions they are looking for to further optimise their organisation.

This respectful openness and way of working together is another key value that helps us create positive and long-lasting relationships. When our team members, clients and candidates feel comfortable sharing their ideas and opinions constructively, and when everyone is open to different perspectives, a more innovative and productive work environment and collaboration sprouts. Collaboration and co-creation also helps build trust, as people feel that everyone is working together towards one common goal.

This openness and collaboration leads to better problem solving, as everyone can bring their own expertise, perspective and experiences to find the best solutions. Through our proactive and open way of communicating, our daily behaviour and interactions, we maximise the customer and candidate experience. This is how we build trust and credibility, the essential icing on the cake for long-term success and partnerships

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Authentically positive

The value of being authentically positive helps create a positive and energetic work environment. The glass is half full, even if it is half empty. Criticism is required, but only in a constructive way. Problems plenty, but also always a solution, after all, the sun always shines behind the clouds...that's being authentically positive.

When people feel genuinely valued, supported and feel at home at work, they are intrinsically motivated and maximally engaged in their work. A positive attitude can also help avoid difficult situations and build stronger relationships. Our focus on authenticity means that everyone is encouraged to be themselves and bring in their own unique strengths and perspectives, which can lead to closer collaboration and therefore better service.

Working with high integrity, passion and responsibility

Working with high integrity, passion and responsibility is another essential value in our organisation. When everyone understands the importance of doing the right thing in the right way, a culture of mutual trust and respect is created with high integrity and ethical standards. Passion for work helps to motivate and engage team members, and accountability ensures that everyone is responsible for their actions and decisions. These values help create a culture where everyone works together towards the common customer goal, and where everyone feels valued and supported. We believe in a social and economic world without borders, without distinctions, nor glass ceilings, where employees thrive and companies advance because they see the same horizon. We break open cages, generating energy for further growth.

Valuing diversity and inclusion

Finally, valuing diversity and inclusion is essential in a people business like ours. When everyone understands and respects the unique backgrounds, experiences and perspectives of others, it creates a more inclusive and supportive work environment. This can lead to more creativity and innovation as everyone contributes his or her own unique ideas and perspectives. Moreover, embracing and living through diversity and inclusion helps create a culture where everyone feels genuinely valued and respected, which is crucial for intrinsic motivation, higher engagement and long-term success.